Talk it Out NC Encourages Underage Drinking Prevention During Alcohol Awareness Month

Governor Issues Proclamation, Talk it Out NC Provides Interactive Toolkit to Prevent Underage Drinking

RALEIGH, N.C. – (April 1, 2024) April is National Alcohol Awareness Month, and Talk It Out NC, the North Carolina initiative to prevent underage drinking, is proud to provide resources for parents, community members, and stakeholders with its Lend Your Voice — Share Your Story — Start the Conversation campaign. Talk it Out NC aims to elevate the conversation around underage drinking prevention with a new toolkit of resources, including:

  • Webinar
  • Tips to Start the Conversation with teens
  • An exciting sober experience giveaway, and more.

Governor Roy Copper has also declared April 2024 as Alcohol Awareness Month in North Carolina. This official declaration and the curated resources from Talk it Out NC encourage communities across the state to engage in open dialogue about the dangers associated with underage drinking. In addition, the statewide team of Talk it Out NC Ambassadors will be attending local in-person events during the month of April to share the initiative’s mission and resources.

“Studies show that almost half of high school students have tried alcohol,” said Rodney Poole, Talk it Out NC Ambassador for the North Carolina ABC Commission. “With our interactive toolkit, events, and educational resources, starting the conversation has never been easier for parents and teens. We encourage everyone to lend your voice, share your story, and start the conversation during Alcohol Awareness Month to prevent underage drinking.”

Talk It Out NC Alcohol Awareness Month Toolkit:

Developed to highlight specific issues, challenges, and concerns about underage drinking, the following resources will assist communities during this crucial month of awareness:

  • Webinar to Share Impactful Information:

    • Alcohol Awareness… Are You Aware?
  • The #TiONCSweepstakes:

    • Fostering family fun and important conversations, North Carolinians have the chance to win a day at one of North Carolina’s top amusement parks and a gift basket full of conversation-starting items for relevant and timely discussions about making safe and sober choices. Families can enter to win on the Talk it Out NC website.
  • New Conversation Cards:

    • To make conversations about alcohol more approachable, Talk it Out NC developed a set of thought-provoking conversation starter cards for parents and teens. Each card contains a question and QR Code for additional information to start the conversation and guide the discussion. Download and print the cards.


About Alcohol Awareness Month:

Alcohol Awareness Month has been observed nationally since 1987 as a means to raise awareness about the causes and effects of alcohol misuse, provide education on ways to prevent alcohol dependency, and reduce the stigma around alcohol use disorders.

For more information about Alcohol Awareness Month activities, the #TiONCSweepstakes, and to access the underage drinking prevention toolkit, visit the Talk it Out NC website.