Hundreds of NC High School Football Players are Taking the Pledge to Not Drink Underage

Statewide Organization Talk It Out NC is Partnering with Coaches and Athletes to Start the Conversation
RALEIGH, N.C. (October 9, 2019) – In North Carolina, the average age that young people first try alcohol is 14. High school is an especially vulnerable time for teens so Talk It Out NC wants to utilize the strong relationship coaches have with student athletes to start the conversation about underage drinking. To do so, Talk It Out is hosting the Game of the Week and the Coach/Athlete Pledge Program.
Talk It Out NC is a state-sponsored initiative to reduce underage drinking. The organization created the successful Parent/Teen Pledge Program in which parents and teens pledge to start the conversation about alcohol and make responsible decisions. As an extension, Talk It Out created the Coach/Athlete Pledge Program to reach student athletes.
“Young athletes have a unique bond with their coaches. This relationship can sometimes be even stronger than the bond with their parents,” says Deputy Director of Education and Outreach for the ABC Commission, Jim Van Hecke. “Because of this, we are encouraging coaches to Take the Pledge with their athletes and start the conversation about alcohol early.”
With the Game of the Week high school partnership, Talk It Out NC is calling on coaches and student athletes to join the campaign. Local Talk It Out Ambassadors based throughout North Carolina will be in attendance at these high school football games and Pledge Ceremonies.
We invite you to attend a Game of the Week to see the many student athletes and coaches who are already participating.
Game of the Week Events:
- All players in the Fuquay-Varina vs Holly Springs Football Game on October 11 have taken the pledge and will be recognized after the 7 p.m. game.
- All players in the James Kenan vs East Duplin Game on October 18 have taken the pledge and will be recognized after the 7 p.m. game.